Mobile Applications

Introducing mobile applications for PHVG volunteers and the pilgrims


PHVG Razakar is an MIS application that helps members of Pakistan Hajj Volunteer Group’s (PHVG) with Hajj Operations during the pilgrimage seasion (every year).

English, Urdu

The application currently offers the following features for users:

  • Register for a new account

  • Login to their existing account

  • View & update their profile information

  • View team, post and residence information

  • Automatic training and Mina attendance.

Direct Download for Android

PHVG Hajj Navigator

Hajj Navigator is a free app that makes Mashaer navigation easy for Hujjaj. The app includes many features that relieves the pilgrims from inevitable hassle which thousands of them come across every year.

The app packs hundreds of locations including South Asian countries’ camp/maktab and pole locations in MINA, train stations, buildings/accomodations in Aziziyah, and many more.

While the pilgrims are on the move or lost, Hajj Navigator, helps them search and navigate to their desired location(s) with ease.

Arabic, English, Urdu, French, Turkish, Indonesian, Malay, Bengali

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